BC QSO Party 2013

On February 2, 2013 the White Rock Amateur Radio Club participated in the BC QSO party.

It was the first time the club's membership entered a contest as a whole in recent years.  Seven members, Walter VE7SM, Brett VA7GM, Ralph VE7OM, Deme VE7CRT, Jay VE7OFH, Jim VE7UVL & Robert VE7RGM took to the airwaves in 3 hr shifts & transmitted/received for 9 hrs.  A total of 106 QSO's were made, 5 provinces & 7 countries which accumulated 16,048 points.  Walter graciously offered his home & antenna & Fred VE7IO's provided his rig, Icom 7000.  Walters XYL (Margaret) supplied us with coffee, pop, cookies, cake & squares.  Another great reason to transmit from Walters QTH.  It was the first time the club used the new, (to us) logging program N1MM, which worked well, mainly because Fred offered a training session the previous Wednesday.

A good time was had by all. QSO's, Treats, Fun.