Crescent Beach Triathlon

It was lovely day for cyclists on the annual triathlon circuit – not too hot and not wet. That made it great for those of helping out with the many volunteer tasks required to make the event a success. This year the White Rock club was able to provide communication assistance to the event. And six of us from the club and 3 non club members came out to help. We spaced ourselves out along the cycle circuit for the event with an operator at each of the major intersections to help with traffic and general monitoring tasks.

Operators were at the assigned locations by 8:30 and we were down at the main event area in Crescent Beach by a little after 11. It was a fun event to be involved with and I know that the other volunteers at my location we happy to have communication support and be kept informed as to what was happening. These public service opportunities also give us as a club a good excuse to get together and work to a common goal.

Club members participating this year were: Ralph (VE7OM), Ken (VE7KBN), Stuart (VA7CRH), Geoff (VA7GLK), Deme (VE7CRT), Eric (VE7EGK). The three non-club team members were: Bill (VE7ISV), Pat (VE7PJS) and Dave (VE7DWG). Bill brought his cross band repeater – a Yaesu 8900 which he set up to add the 146.490 simplex frequency to the Delta repeater we were using on 444.425. Thanks to the Delta club for allowing us to use their repeater for the event.