Dewdney Peak in SOTA

Brett and Eric climbed Dewdney Peak to activate the summit for SOTA. The day was a wet one but despite the rain we were successful in activating the summit. With Eric's back-country truck we were able to drive to the ridge line and hike only the last segment of the standard trail to the peak. The rain made the ground a bit more treacherous and being off trail we had to picka route through the under brush to find the summit. The point marked on the map as the summit is a dozen meters from the point stated by SOTA which has picked another knoll near the official summit. We found a spot between them to set up and operate.

Our first task was to set up our tarps so we could stay a bit drier. Once the tarps were up we got started on the radio set up. Eric had his beam up very quickly and got in four contacts before Brett had finished his setup . Once started Brett made a SSB calls but found no responses. He switched to CW and soon had a stream of contacts including a contact from Spain! It was a fun achievement for such a small set up. So Dewdney is now activated and we are drying out and soon to be ready for another activation.