Field Day 2024

Club members gathered at the home of club President, Eric, to participate in the annual Field Day event. This year two IC-7000 radios were deployed on 20m SSB and 15m CW. For the 20m band a Spiderbeam OCF antenna was used and deployed in an inverted-V format with a 37-foot mast. For 15m a Buddipole vertical was set up. In addition to the HF stations a 2m mobile radio was set up with a 4 element yagi.

Ralph operated the CW station and completed 50 contacts in the three hours we operated. Phone was manned by Bill and Joe but the noise was very high limiting contacts to only 6. Eric worked the 2m radio periodically over the time period and completed 12 contacts which included a contact made by a non-ham guest. The guest operator was very excited when she got a response to her call. Though a bit stressful she thought it was a lot of fun making an ‘international’ contact!

Pizza and sandwiches were provided and all who attended had a good time and enjoyed the event. We packed up once we had finished lunch and felt that we had had a good outing. No major contesting drive in this group, but we proved we can set up and operate an emergency station.