Fred and Eric Activate Kwomais Point Park

Fred Orsetti (VE7IO) and Eric (VA7NX) activated Kwomais Point Park in the Park-on-the-air program on September 5, 2024. It was the first time for Fred and he had asked Eric who does POTA on a regular basis to come by and help him with some of the finer points of the program.

Eric arrived at the parking lot a bit before 11am where he found Fred having already set up his vertical antenna. He helped move in Fred’s battery and radio and soon Fred had his station on the air. He would be logging directly into his notebook computer unlike Eric who logs to paper. Bands were in decent shape and Fred chose to operate CW on 15m. After getting help spotting himself, he was off to calling.

Eric set up his regular OCF antenna and KX3 with amplifier a short distance away and soon was calling himself. Eric was located in a busy area of the park and received a number of questions by those walking by which slowed down his calling. The stations were close enough that Eric had serious QRM on 20m but 15m worked better even though Fred was on 15m and not 20m, that seemed quite strange. In the end Eric completed 13 contacts and Fred 14. It had been a successful activation for both and Fred is looking forward to his next outing. He will see what he can streamline equipment wise for the next time.