Jim Launches his Parks-on-the-Air Program

Jim (VE7UVL) with the help of Eric (VA7NX) and joined by Joe (VE7JJK) set up and operated his first Parks-on-the-Air Activation. For his first activation Jim went to Campbell Valley Park at the south entrance where there is a nice covered picnic area. Jim had recently received his new portable Spiderbeam OCF antenna and with his home assembled mast and Go kit radio he was ready to try.

Eric and Joe met Jim in the parking lot and together they loaded Jim’s new cart and set out for the picnic area. It was not in use and we had our choice of location. Jim staked in his tripod and raised the mast. It has three sections and provides almost 30 feet of height. Soon the antenna was ready and with a length of coax loaned by Eric Jim was ready to try the bands.

Conditions on 10m looked good and Jim started calling on 10m but after a few minutes of no response he moved to 20m. There he soon had his first contact in the log. Followed by a park-to-park with two operators. After a couple singles he worked another activator who was activating a triple park! After some more calling and posting his spot on the list Jim felt he had achieved the goal of testing out his set up. He had 11 contacts logged and a few ideas on how to improve his equipment. The only thing left was to head for lunch and enjoy a good burger.