Technical Projects

These activities talk about various technical projects undertaken by club members

I (Eric – VA7NX) enjoy operating at parks in the Parks-on-the-Air program. In this program one takes a portable station to parks on the approved list and make radio contacts in any of the bands and modes. Reaching ten contacts or more constitutes a completed activation.  One of my requirements for a

If you are interested in doing Adruino computer projects with HAM radio here are a few interesting articles by John Fallows that will help you get going.

Bill researched and built a 6 element 2m Yagi, here are a few photos of the construction.  


Perhaps Bill can provide some story-line to go with them.

A project by Bill Northcott (VE7WNO)

Still working on my beam project, but this antenna has worked well and didn't cost much. From my back deck I can get into the repeater in Chilliwack on 147.100 using 4 watts.

I am definitely having fun with the antenna projects, and it still amazes me how

For those with hi-gain antennas on a tower, it is wise to take it down for maintenance once a year.

Today was the chosen day for our club vice-president, Ralph VE7OM. He was experiencing some problems with the rotor for his SteppIR at the top of the tower.  It seems that pointing it "east" on the

I've built antennas for VHF, UHF, and the 220 MHz band, but always shrunk away from homebrew projects for the WARC, HF bands. VHF and up require antennas that are very managable size-wise, esp. if one remembers to keep their fingers off the soldering iron. It is fairly straightforward to both model

Ken observed the fun Stuart was having with buillding his 2m J-Pole and the elation he got from having succeeded at completing the project that Ken felt that his own mag-mount antenna was due for upgrading. So he ventured forth and with Stuart's help and general encouragement and support from other

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