These activities are attended by multiple members of the club. Generally they are also sponsored by the club but may involve outside orgainzations.

Club members gathered at the arena again this year to participate in the annual BC QSO Party contest. Setting up…

These activities are about individuals doing radio related adventures that may involve a small number of club members

This is my first solo / mobile activation of park CA- 3454, Campbell Valley Regional Park.  I had just fabricated a…

These activities talk about various technical projects undertaken by club members

I (Eric – VA7NX) enjoy operating at parks in the Parks-on-the-Air program. In this program one takes a portable…

The personal activities section provides a site for club members to share some of their personal adventures. These generally include some radio activity but the main focus is not radio related.

I'm in Qualicum-Parksville today, so won't be at coffee tomorrow.  I managed to drop by the Emergency Preparedness…