Club Sponsored Activities

These activities are attended by multiple members of the club. Generally they are also sponsored by the club but may involve outside orgainzations.

Several club members met at the arena for participating in the annual RAC Winter Contest. A low key contest which is ideal for those who are not avid contesters. We had several of our newer members out to watch and to try their luck making calls. This time the antenna was fully operational but the

Members and guests gathered at the Roadhouse Restaurant on Dec 4th for a lively time of eating and talking. Everyone enjoyed the food and the opportunity to spend time with those one sees less often. One even found time to talk about radio topics between solving the world's problems.

A large turn-out of members arrived at the Lounge this Saturday to participate in the QSO Party. For this event we brought a number of different radios so members could see them and try out some variations of HF operating. First on-line was Jim’s older radio. He was able to hear a few stations but

This year saw the return of the once annual White Rock Sea Festival. This year the three-day event was organized by the city staff. The White Rock Radio Club was asked to help with communication in the Saturday Torch Light Parade Event. The parade started at 8:30pm but the preparation began long

Club members gathered at the home of club President, Eric, to participate in the annual Field Day event. This year two IC-7000 radios were deployed on 20m SSB and 15m CW. For the 20m band a Spiderbeam OCF antenna was used and deployed in an inverted-V format with a 37-foot mast. For 15m a Buddipole

A number of club members met at Kwomais Park for a day of operating. We met in the parking lot at 11am and after reviewing the options of where to set up, we chose a grassy area just to the north side of the parking lot. It is an ideal location as it is a bit out of the main flow of visitors and

Members gathered at the Lounge facility in the Centennial Arena for this years BC QSO Party event. For today's activity we used Bill's Go Kit which comprises of an Icom-7000 radio with a matching LDG tuner. Members took turns making contacts across the 20, 15 and 10 meter bands. Jim even managed a

Once again club members met in the Lounge at Centennial Arena for a group activation. This time it was to participate in the annual RAC Winter Contest. This is a great low key contest that takes place at the end of the year. It attracts hams from across the country and the USA. It is a low pressure

Members met in the Lounge and set up Eric's KX3 go kit radio to participate in the annual contest. Konstatin also set up his Icom 7300 with a vertical whip antenna. Together we were able to operate on two bands. The KX3 was using the OCF antenna permanently installed at the arena on the 15m band

Club members gathered in the front lawn of fellow member Eric to set up for the annual Field Day event. Starting around 10m members began arriving. Ralph immediately began setting up his buddipole for operating on the 15m band. Eric began assembling his 40 foot mast to be used to raise an OCF

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