BC QSO Party 2025

Club members gathered at the arena again this year to participate in the annual BC QSO Party contest. Setting up went smoothly but as expected the noise level from the arena was quite high. Ralph began with some CW contacts which were not as affected by the noise level but one we switched to SSB things were more problematic. At that point we added in the noise cancellation unit that Eric owns and reduced the noise level by 2 S-Units. We were then able to hear a few more stations.

Hunting proved to be a challenge but once we started calling a number of stations came by and we made some contacts within the province and across the US. Bob made his first CW contact in many years so he was quite happy to achieve that re-entry. Other members made use of the time to chat and try some contesting. After a few hours lunch seemed to be calling stronger than continued radio contacts and we packed up the station and made our way to the Roadhouse restaurant.

Though the number of contacts was low, we still enjoyed our time and comradery.