The new by-laws introducing the Honorary Membership category are now in effect. Also in effect is the automatic membership cancellation for unpaid dues.

You can read the by-laws here: WRARC-Constitution

Eric (VA7NX) received his Maple Leaf Operators certificate this past week. The certificate is a token of appreciation issued by RAC for joining the optional group. The Maple Leaf Operators Group was formed as an incentive for people to financially support the cash strapped national organization. Hopefully we will see more club members join the group in short order.

At the March Meeting, the membership voted to increase the annual dues of the club. Rates had never been increased since the founding of the club so it was felt that we were well overdue. The rate increase is required to cover the cost of the recently purchased RAC liability insurance which provides coverage for club activities and for the personal coverage of club members who are also RAC members.

The new rate of $40.00 will begin with the 2012 membership year - dues start being collected in September of 2011.

Welcome and Congratulations to Charlie Scott who recently passed his licensing exam and now joins the club as VE7CMH. Charlie is perhaps the oldest new ham having recently celebrated his 89th.

In an effort to improve our image and to look professional when out in the public the club approved the purchase of a new banner. After some discussion as to what to include on the sign we settled on a simple look and here is the result.