Club Sponsored Activities

These activities are attended by multiple members of the club. Generally they are also sponsored by the club but may involve outside orgainzations.

Each second Sunday of the month, the WRARC meets at the Centennial Arena for a business meeting.

When the WRARC meets on non-meeting Sundays, we enjoy coffee or a soda at the Java Express on 16th Avenue and Martin Street. From 5 to a dozen members and friends of local amateur radio meet to

We held our first training exercise for message handling immediately following the regular monthly meeting for January. In keeping with our commitment to serve the community in times of an emergency, we decided that ongoing training in our message handling skills would be a valuable task. So we

Eight of us gathered for a pleasant lunch together on December 7th at the ABC Restaurant. We had a good time enjoying the food and chatting about ham radio and even a few other topics. Here are a few shots taken of us at lunch, click the images for a larger version.

Now that the club's constitution has been approved the club officially awarded 5 life memberships to amateurs in the group who had been extensively involved with the club over the years. Only two of the members could be present at the meeting but they were encouraged to share some of their

Our club was asked to help with the tour again this year in the hope that we could provide some traffic handling and bring our expertise to bear with the commercial radios. Last year they had very poor communication during the city-wide event on the Sunday. The hope of the organizers was that we

Once again we setup our Field Day operation down at Blackie Spit in Crescent Beach. It was an ideal day to be down by the water – a nice warm clear day with a cooling breeze off of the water. You really couldn’t ask for a better day and setup to enjoy being in outdoors. [Working Field]


In preparation for the upcoming Field Day exercise in June, the club decided to do a practice day on May 4th. Since we liked the site at Blackie Spit that we used last year for Field Day, we decided to use the same area again this year. We really liked the area as it is located between the car park

It was the last Saturday, March 30, 2008, of the Spring Lites QSO Party sponsored by the Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society and therefore our last chance to participate in the contest for this year. So despite the questionable weather, club members Ralph (VE7OM) and Eric (VE7EGK) packed up their

Stuart (VA7CRH) joined Eric (VE7EGK) at 10:30 Saturday morning on December 29th, 2007 to activate the club call sign in the RAC Winter Contest. We operated as the club for around 2 hours and had a fun leisurely time making 28 contacts across the country. We were able to work a station in the Yukon

Members of the White Rock club gathered together for a pleasant lunch on Saturday December 15th at the ABC restaurant. There were 7 club members and one guest out for the lunch. We had a fun time chatting about radio topics. Eric polled the club as to whether there was any interest in activating the

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