A few us got together and attended the Langley Swap meet to greet some old friends and to see what toys caught our fancy. The new digital dual receive radio from Icom was interesting. There were a number of nice HF rigs available for those wanting an additional unit. We had fun and enjoyed a nice coffee and muffin after the event.
Eric received his shipment of Anderson Powerpoles and a crimper tool and lug extractor. The crimper and extractor will be transferred to the club and so is available to club members to borrow. There are a few connectors available from Eric at cost should anyone want some.
We held our annual meeting and re-elected all current officers as directors in their same positions. Deme Panaioti (VE7CRT) has agreed to take the position of director at large. Our meeting's minutes can be found at minutes.
Our repeater has now had its duplexor repaired and the antenna given a bit of an elevation boost. Reports indicate that it is receiving better and can actually be used with a handheld in the eastern side of the Peninsula. It is still not as good as we want it so ways of raising the antenna further are being considered.
Our two meter repeater has now been outfitted with an access tone. This will reduce interference with the repeater on San Juan island which shares the frequency. Please set your radios to encode tone 91.5Hz to trigger the repeater. Further tests and tuning will be taking place over the next two weeks. We appreciate the help of Tom Robson - VE7DID - for working on the repeater and getting it back in operation.