Members met at the club to pull down the repeater antenna and move it to Eric's home. The equipment was moved and Eric was able to get it up and on the air very quickly. The antenna has not been raised to full height so it is still not fully operational.

Members met at the club to begin the relocation process. The repeaters were disassembled and made ready for relocating at Eric's home. As he is on a hill-top, we expect to have better coverage for our repeater than we currently had.

Our directors met to refine plans for moving the repeater. A weekly net was also initiated. It was decided to initially use the 10m band until the club repeater is relocated and operational. Times will be Thursdays at 7:30 on 28.690MHz.

Club directors met to refine the by-laws and continue the planning for relocating the club facilities. Eric has agreed to house the repeater until a permanent location can be found.

We have held our Annual meeting and elected Ralph (VE7OM) as President, Eric (VE7EGK) Vice-President, Ross (VA7NRW) Treasurer and Stuart (VA7CRH) Secretary. Main items for the new year will be to relocate the club facilities as the current building is being demolished.