We have held our Annual meeting and elected Ralph (VE7OM) as President, Eric (VE7EGK) Vice-President, Ross (VA7NRW) Treasurer and Stuart (VA7CRH) Secretary. Main items for the new year will be to relocate the club facilities as the current building is being demolished.

WRARC is now an affiliated club with RAC. Our club number is 574.

Ralph assisted Eric setup his Carolina Windom. It is not in its final configuration as one end requires a taller mast than what was currently available. Despite being a bit low it was still able to pickup South Africa and Japan with reasonable clarity on 20m.

A few of got together at 10AM to join in the RAC Winter contest. It was a fun time getting together and making some contacts across Canada. Our first contact was with Newfoundland!

The Hyack Santa Parade took place in New Westminster. Club members, Ralph, Ross and Eric joined 20 other local area hams to support the event. They helped with a number of tasks including carrying the opening banner in the parade!