The BC Government has released an updated bulletin regarding distracted driving and the use of Amateur Radios. It clarifies the devices and how they are secured quite well. Click the link and print the document to keep in your vehocle.

Delta Amateur Radio Society has scheduled the next Basic Radio Course starting on January 16. Classes will be held on over four weeks on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 7:00 until 9:00 pm and Saturday mornings from 9:00 am until 12:00 noon.

Further information and register is available on our website at

Merlin Mah is trying to establish a SSB net on 2m in the Fraser Valley.

Set your radios to 144.225 upper side-band on Thursdays at 7pm

Click for details:

Distracted driving regulations continue to be an area of interest for many Canadian Radio Amateurs. These regulations are made and enforced by provincial governments and can vary considerably from province to province and over time. Radio Amateurs of Canada has prepared a list of links to current regulations in all provinces that have established them. They can be found at:

Lloyd Hobbs (VE7DLH)  a long time member and an honourary life member of the club became a silent key on October 9th.